Peggy Guggenheim Museum

Bridge of sighs
March 10, 2016
Rialto Bridge
March 10, 2016

The Temple of contemporary art

The Peggy Guggenheim collection is the most important collection in Italy dedicated to European and American art of the first half of 1900.
In addition to the personal Guggenheim Collection, inside the Museum you can see the Gianni Mattioli collection, temporary exhibitions and the stunning Nasher Sculpture Garden.
The Museum is housed in the only non-completed Palace in Venice, the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, acquired by the Guggenheim in order to achieve the largest modern art museum of the’ 50.

The Guggenheim collection is made up of the works of the greatest artists of the time: from Picasso to de Chirico, from Pollock to Kandinsky, Duchamp and Brancusi.
There are works belonging to the different currents that have influenced the art of the first half of the twentieth century such as Cubism, Futurism, Metaphysical Painting, sculpture.
Of great interest is the Gianni Mattioli Collection, which includes artists like Italian Futurist Boccioni, Sironi, Russolo, Carrà, Balla, Severini, Sironi, Soffici, Rosai, Morandi’s paintings and a portrait of Amedeo Clemente Modigliani.
The Museum continues to increase their collections by exhibiting the works donated to the Solomon r. Guggenheim Foundation (Peggy’s uncle) and masterpieces from private collections as long-term loans.